Free Speech

Oh, You Naughty First Amendment

The First Amendment’s job is to forbid Congress from making any law abridging, among other rights, our freedom of speech. And it’s up to the courts to knock down any attempt — by Congress or by executive fiat — to do so. Tomorrow is America’s 248th birthday. The First Amendment is nearly as old, coming into force 233 years ago this December, and thanks to the wisdom of the Supreme Court, looks just as good today as it did in 1791. […]

Free Speech

“We Cannot Cope”: Police In Scotland Deluged With Politicized Hate-Crime Reports

Almost overnight, Scotland has become the laughing-stock of Europe after passing a “non-crime hate law”. Police have been already deluged by over 10,000 complaints and they are accumulating at a rate of  one report per minute. Cases have not yet hit the court system, but it also will be hit with a tsunami of “he-said, she-said” charges. […]


‘Malicious Prosecution’: Lawyers for Dr. Meryl Nass Allege Maine Medical Board Violated Nass’ First Amendment Rights

When a highly-trained medical doctor calls out the government during the COVID panic for making flat-out unscientific claims and enforcing life-threatening treatments and protocols, she is branded as a heretic and her career is terminated. Now the medical board is trying to hide behind a “sovereign immunity” that shields it from legal prosecution. […]

Free Speech

Desperate: WHO Chief Claims ‘Torrent Of Fake News” Is Killing Global Pandemic Treaty

WHO director Tedros is complaining that its sovereignty-sapping Global Pandemic Treaty was being overrun by “torrent of fake news, lies, and conspiracy theories.” One man’s truth is another man’s fake news? Apparently. However, this underscores the UN’s war on free speech. When people are free to speak out against tyranny, the tyrants can only resort to ad hominem attacks.  […]