
Egregious: Supreme Court Fails Free Speech

Is the Supreme Court tone-deaf to citizens’ rights to Free Speech? We expect Justices to do their homework, accurately determine the facts and uphold the Contestation. Without considering or ruling on the merits of  Murthy V. Missouri, the court threw the case out for lack of “standing,” even though it “involves two states and a number of private plaintiffs, all claiming that they were improperly censored – and thus damaged – by federal agencies and/or the dubious “cut out” front groups they created.” […]


How A Government-Sponsored Agency Is Censoring Journalism

It started in earnest in 2016 then exploded by 2020. Our own State Department and the CIA are complicit with funding and direction. These scurrilous attacks on Free Speech and the Freedom of the Press are unprecedented in history. Citizens for Free Speech intends to derail these self-proclaimed “arbiters of truth” by exposing them to the light of day: “Illumination leads to elimination.”   […]