Habits of the Heart: You Can Do Something!
To defend our Constitutional Republic, ALL citizens have a responsibility to do something. Doing nothing is not an option! We must take direct action. But first, we must face important and uncomfortable truths to move past the reasons why we avoid meaningful engagement in the public square. In this training CFFS National Training Director Mary Baker will review, consider, and address these truths honestly and intentionally, and then help you get to work on developing your Habits of the Heart activism.
Become a Trained Citizen Ninja™!
Get the grassroots leadership training you need to engage with others civilly and confidently. Citizen Ninja™ training will give you an empowered mindset and practical tips for collaborating with other grassroots activists.
Part 1 — The Citizen Ninja Way
This introductory training is designed for conservative Americans who recognize they have a duty to engage in the civic process but are unsure how to go about it or are fearful of bully tactics being used against them.
What you’ll learn:
- The four citizen ninja powers
- How to stage your discourse
- Bully tactics and counter-measures
- How to take action
Part 2 — Citizen Ninjas in Action
This training build upon the foundational concepts presented in Part 1 of the training, and will teach local activists how to successfully develop, grow, and activate a team.
Learn how to:
- Build & align your team
- Evaluate and assign team functions & roles
- Deploy your team
All 11 Citizen Ninja training sessions are available on-demand though our Local Activist Accelerator learning community.