Mask Off: Globalist Technocrats Reveal Plan To Kill Free Speech

First, globalist Technocrats launched Covid plus "safe and effective" mRNA shots: thanks to some modicum of Free Speech, they failed to take total control. Now, it is crystal clear that Free Speech is on the chopping block. In January 2024, I pointedly said that Free Speech would be dead by the end of the year. Its soon and coming demise is on track. 

Free Speech

Echoes of Tyranny: The Forgotten Lessons From History

"This combination—the loss of free speech and the abandonment of informed consent—has created a crisis of trust that may take generations to heal. How can we trust governments, media, or even medical establishments when they suppress information and coerce us into compliance without providing all the facts?"

Free Speech

Global Crackdown: How Foreign Censorship Threatens American Free Speech

"Mike Benz, a former State Department cyber official and executive director of the Foundation for Freedom Online, argues that foreign efforts to cast populist narratives on matters such as election integrity, immigration, and public health as mis- and dis-information constitute a surreptitious “transatlantic flank attack” on American speech."


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Trilateral Commission’s Plan To Crush Free Speech And Sovereignty In England

Ernest Hemingway answered the question, “How do you go bankrupt?” “Two ways,” he said, “gradually, then suddenly.” Free Speech in the UK has “died suddenly,” and the resulting chaos is giving way to tyranny. Immigration was the catalyst. Immigration policies were singly-handily introduced (in 2006) and enforced by Trilateral Commission member Peter Sutherland (1946-2018) as the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for International Migration. […]

Free Speech

Without Free Speech, We Are Doomed

If there was no other tyranny threatening us today, the removal of Free Speech and the First Amendment would, by itself, be enough to collapse society as we know it. The vast majority of Americans don’t have a clue about the meaning Free Speech, much less the First Amendment. Brace for impact. […]


American Stasi: Tulsi Gabbard Confirms “Quiet Skies” Nightmare

The war on Free Speech is heating up. Former Representative Tulsi Gabbard has never been shy about expressing her political views, but now she is paying a price that she didn’t see coming. The TSA has been weaponized to place her on a terror list to harass her on every flight, to surveil her movements and to dispatch Federal Marshals to follow her.  […]


Google Censors Everything, Everywhere, Everybody

Google is censoring content in “Google Groups” marked “Private”, and in your private Gmail messages as well. In this case, Google wanted to exclude Robert Kennedy, Jr. from the presidential debate on June 27, 2024. Gmail accounts for 53% of all email accounts in the U.S. and handles 333 billion emails daily. […]


Egregious: Supreme Court Fails Free Speech

Is the Supreme Court tone-deaf to citizens’ rights to Free Speech? We expect Justices to do their homework, accurately determine the facts and uphold the Contestation. Without considering or ruling on the merits of  Murthy V. Missouri, the court threw the case out for lack of “standing,” even though it “involves two states and a number of private plaintiffs, all claiming that they were improperly censored – and thus damaged – by federal agencies and/or the dubious “cut out” front groups they created.” […]

Free Speech

Oh, You Naughty First Amendment

The First Amendment’s job is to forbid Congress from making any law abridging, among other rights, our freedom of speech. And it’s up to the courts to knock down any attempt — by Congress or by executive fiat — to do so. Tomorrow is America’s 248th birthday. The First Amendment is nearly as old, coming into force 233 years ago this December, and thanks to the wisdom of the Supreme Court, looks just as good today as it did in 1791. […]

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