The White Rose Cloisonné Pin


In honor of The White Rose movement, we have created a beautiful cloisonné pin with a white rose in the center. The headline text says “Protect Free Speech” and the matching URL at the bottom, CFFS.IO/COURAGE, leads to the story of The White Rose on the CFFS website. All elements are outlined in silver, making it glimmer when exposed to different light angles. It is one inch in diameter and very tastefully demands to be noticed when you are wearing it.

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As you know, Free Speech is precious and must be defended and exercised at every opportunity. Sophie Scholl and her young German friends gave their lives in 1943 as they proclaimed the basic human right of Free Speech to fellow students and the German people. Their testimony lives on today.

In honor of The White Rose movement, we have created a beautiful cloisonné pin with a white rose in the center. The headline text says “Protect Free Speech” and the matching URL at the bottom, CFFS.IO/COURAGE, leads to the story of The White Rose on the CFFS website. All elements are outlined in silver, making it glimmer when exposed to different light angles. It is one inch in diameter and very tastefully demands to be noticed when you are wearing it. When people stop to ask you “What is that rose?”, you have an open door to explain and promote Free Speech!

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Additional information

Weight 4 oz